Kuwait Broadcast Services Upgrades Radio Studios With Calrec Audio Consoles
State-run Kuwait Broadcast Services (KBS) has installed two Calrec digital audio consoles in its Kuwait City facility as part of an effort to refurbish its radio studios and update its technology. Studio 8, which is dedicated to sports programming, and studio 11, which broadcasts classical music programming, each got a new Calrec Omega console. Italian integrator ARET Video and Audio Engineering and Kuwait Cable Vision were chosen to provide the consoles, workflow customization, training, and support after a government-issued public tender process.
“We recommended Calrec to replace KBS’ incumbent products because Calrec represents state-of-the-art audio technology. The DSP, the reliability, the flexibility, and the built-in redundancy meant that the Omega consoles could not only meet but far exceed KBS’ performance criteria put forth in the public tender — and at a competitive price,” said Umberto Asti, vice president of sales and marketing at ARET Video and Audio Engineering. “All Calrec consoles are designed to be similarly straightforward and intuitive, so you can do everything in a snap without having to navigate multiple menus like you would with other consoles. I’ve received nothing but positive feedback from the KBS operators since they started using the new consoles.”
Each of KBS’ Omega consoles contains 24 faders in a 40-fader frame to allow for future expansion. The consoles can process up to 160 channels each thanks to Calrec’s Bluefin high-density digital signal processing technology.
The Omega consoles satisfied KBS’ requirement for a flexible, turnkey audio solution that could be customized to fit its specific workflow, with dedicated aftermarket support and training. The console’s reliability and flexibility of workflow have proved to be two of the most important features given KBS’ live-production environment.
“KBS is a flagship customer for us in Kuwait that is taking advantage of our consoles’ reliability, performance, and ease of use to advance itself in a budding broadcast market,” said Anthony Harrison, Middle East sales manager, Calrec. “ARET, which shares our philosophy of strong customer support, was instrumental in making this sale happen and continues to be an important partner for us in the region.”